Office Addins provides a suite of extensions to the Microsoft Office and Microsoft 365 Visual Basic Editor. They are COM Addins, written in C#, and support both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions of Office.

Smart Indenter for VBA

The Smart Indenter is a utility to tidy up VBA code by rebuilding the indentation of each line. Most developers naturally indent code within control structures, such as For...Next or If...End If. Many developers also indent all the code within a procedure, to ease identification of line labels, error handling blocks etc.

Smart Indenter provides lots of choices to get your code looking just right, including an option to automatically indent as you type.

VBE Tools

The VBE Tools adds some much-needed utilities to the VB Editor, including:

  • Move and resize userform controls pixel-by-pixel
  • Performance-Test your code
  • Record Excel macros directly into existing procedures
  • Update code when a userform or ActiveX control is renamed
  • Close all open document windows in one click